Friday, July 25, 2014

Constructive Criticism

Why hello!
Its been a while!
But what do you expect from someone like me? :)

So have learned something new about myself. Correction. I've accepted something new about myself. I have a really hard time taking constructive criticism from other people, especially those closest to me.

My husband is good at EVERYTHING, literally you name it he'll most likely beat you at it. It's AWESOME! So who better to take advice from right?!
So why is listening to advice on how to improve on [fill in the blank here] SO HARD!?

Maybe I have a case of Oldest Child Syndrome; feeling as if I know everything and should be good at all that I do. 

 Here's the story (one of many):
 We were on a kick ball team last night, I made a dumb mistake and a double play was made. Last inning. We lost.
  "Hey didn't you hear us yelling to go back?"
"Hey sorry for yelling at you! I just got caught up in the moment"
 and lots more "Rules, rules, rules, try this..try this..try this next time"
Instead of  being an adult and agreeing that I made a mistake and taking the time to learn new things and refresh on the old. I felt as if it was the end of the world and everyone was mad at me and that no one wanted me to play in the next game. So I childishly, stormed off. Later I apologized, but still the mistake I made replayed over and over again, even on my 30 min drive to work  his morning I couldn't get it off my mind (hence the blog post).  DUMB. Lets be honest, our team stunk...we lost our last game 17 to 1. Every team member made mistakes, from kicking the ball in the wrong direction to fouling out when we only have one out left and one more run to tie the game. So why do I care? It was just a game and I had a really great time!

 We start a new softball league in 2 weeks. Last year if I made a mistake I dwelled on it and it messed with my performance the rest of the game. I should have Learned from my mistake and let it benefit me for the rest of the game. I'm realizing I've always been like that. For example: When I took my driving test I was doing really good until I hit the edge of a curb while trying to park *HEART-ATTACK*  almost instantly I began driving terribly. My instructor made me pull over and told me not to worry about my small mistake,  take a breath and leave it in the past. I Passed but was thankful for that gentle reminder or I may not have gotten my licence.

My half year resolution: Don't be so hard on myself! Learn that constructive criticism is HELP  and not a knife stabbing me in the heart.

Here's to another fun year of co-ed softball

Well that's all I have for today folks.
Until next time.
Dani Ward